July 09, 2010

Is Fear of Guru parallel to Devotion?


Baba:The fear and respect that you have for the Guru are not only devotion,parabhakti.
Ordinarily people have different kind of fears: is this man going to eat me up?Is he goin to take away all my wealth? What is he going to do with me? These Kinds of fears are not right. But if you have fear and awe of a Guru who is real .who had given you shakti, that is transcedental devotion and that devotion is greatest and highest.

(from the book satsang with Baba)
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1 comment:

  1. My fear and awe of the Guru is not different than my respect for the Ocean.
    The Ocean is love. The Ocean accepts and gives like a mirror reflecting that which is before it. A dirty mirror is like a dirty Ocean. The image reflected may not be what I am looking for.

    My Guru is my best friend. I have many best friends. Each serves a unique role. I am as you see me.
